From the desk of Bob Jones:


January 6, 2012

Hi All,

Some days you just can’t win. Look at what happened to South on this deal from Thursday at Jourdan’s:

As the cards lie
bridge hand

West quietly opened one spade and it went pass-pass to South. South carefully considered what action to take with his fine hand. Some South’s choose to double, some to bid 2H and some made a Michael’s Cue Bid of 2S, showing hearts and a minor. No matter, whatever South choose, West briskly bid 4S. He wasn’t to be trifled with when he held a suit like that. Many South players took umbrage at this aggression and doubled 4S. The battle was ON!

North led the 10H. South won and tried 2 top diamonds. West ruffed the second diamond, led a trump to dummy’s 10 and then led the JC off the board. South covered with the queen, West played the king and North won the Ace. Whatever North played, West had no trouble ruffing his club loser in dummy and claiming 10 tricks. 4S doubled made!

North was quick to share his thoughts. ‘Did you have to cover that JC? He was probably going to guess wrong. After all, you were the one that did all the bidding. Speaking of the bidding, did you have to balance with that rag? You could have just passed it out in 1S.’

South has made a New Year’s resolution to try and find kinder partners.
